Bouquet of roses and tulips


  • 4 Red roses
  • 7 Pink Tulips*

Vase not included
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This bouquet of roses and tulips blushes spring with tantalizing beauty that your recipient will adore! This floral display features soft blooms of rose, tulip and red roses.

The flowers are then beautifully arranged and varied with the option to purchase a glass vase. This bouquet will bring spring charm for your special someone, no matter the time of year. The lovely blush-colored bouquets are perfect for your girlfriend, wife, mom or even just a friend who is important to you.

2 reviews for Bouquet of roses and tulips

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  1. Italian
    4 out of 5

    Anonimo (verified owner)

    Il Bouquet era davvero ricco ma purtroppo devo dare 4 stelle invece di 5 perché invece dei 3 Tulipani (come previsto dallo shop online) c‘erano altri fiori nel rosa che si intonavano molto bene con le rose. Quindi va bene lo stesso dai:)

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    • Italian


      Cerchiamo di dare sempre il massimo per i nostri clienti..Alla prossima, Grazie.

  2. Italian
    5 out of 5

    Anonimo (verified owner)

    Bouquet molto bello

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